Montgomery College (MC) students can utilize academic resources throughout their time at MC both in-person and online, including making appointments to receive tutoring from multiple learning centers on Accudemia, a new software used by MC starting in spring 2023.

Takoma Park/Silver Spring (TP/SS) students have the option to make appointments through Accudemia for in-person tutoring from the
- Writing, Reading, and Language Center,
- Academic Success Center, and
- online tutoring from the virtual STEM Learning Center.
Students can access center news and center operating hours on Accudemia.
The Mathematics Learning Center and Science Learning Center only take walk-ins because there is no option to make appointments. Students can also visit each center’s respective website for more information, like individual tutor schedules for the Science Learning Center.
Jeff Chuang, the director of the Academic Success Center, said, “Now we have this new Accudemia software, and it’s collegewide [all three campuses]. Students only need to go to one link and use a single sign-on and password, which you use to sign in to your MyMC, so now, for students, it is very easy to find centers for different subjects.”
Students can log into their Access MyMc and access Accudemia from the Home page using the Free Tutoring icon.

Chuang explained that before Accudemia, the old software was “individual center-based” and how some students were confused and found it difficult to use the software. There were different links for the different centers on the different campuses. In addition, there were also different logins for each.
The TP/SS Campus has six learning centers MC students can utilize, such as the previously mentioned writing center And Academic Success Center.
The Academic Success Center offers tutoring in multiple subjects, including economics and world languages, said Shaline Kirkland, Director of the Writing, Reading, and Language Center. “[At] the writing center, we offer [tutoring in] writing, reading, and speech.”
The writing center helps students with mechanics, grammar, how to develop paragraphs, how to write a clear thesis statement, APA and MLA formatting, fragmented and run-on sentences, and more. How to understand an assignment, outline, revise, and brainstorm.
The Writing, Reading, and Language Center is currently in the same room as the Academic Success Center on the 1st floor of the Commons building, room 110.
The other two learning centers, Digital Learning Center and Medical Learning Center, may not be on Accudemia, but students can still visit their respective websites to make appointments and find center locations and center hours.