Recruitment during Club Rush caught the attention of MC’s student body
Photo credit, Jonathan Spires
This semester’s Club Rush was on September 28 and ran from 11-1 pm. Several student run clubs and student service offices such as the Digital Learning Center (DLC) and the Office of Financial Aid hosted tables to reach out to students who may be interested in joining a group with their interest or to provide information for navigating the college experience. Check out the pictures we capture of the exciting event!

Jonathan Spires is the 2022-2023 school year Editor-in-Chief of the MC Excalibur newspaper. A current Biotechnology major, Jonathan follows the latest events within the scientific and medical communities. Outside of reporting and editing, Jonathan also works at Suburban Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland as a clinical technician. He is also musically inclined with a gift for playing piano, saxophone, and guitar.