MC holds graduation cap decorating party during Grad Fair
Photo credit, Samantha Miranda
Student holds blank graduation cap that will be decorated at the graduation cap decorating party.
The Office of Student Life is hosting a graduation cap decorating party from Apr. 11-13 to celebrate the class of 2023. The cap decorating party will take place at the same time and location as the Grad Fair. Caps are needed to participate in the graduation cap decorating party.
At the Grad Fair, there will be opportunities to purchase graduation regalia, pick up your PTK stoles, purchase a college ring, order graduation announcements, activate an Alumni Association membership and take formal graduation portraits with Classic Photography.
The first graduation cap decorating party was held on the Germantown campus on Apr. 11 from 1 – 3 p.m.
The Takoma Park/Silver Spring campus Grad Fair and graduation cap decorating party will be held on Apr. 12 from 1 – 3 p.m. on the second floor near the bookstore of the Charlene R. Nunley Student Services Center (ST building).
The Rockville campus Grad Fair and graduation cap decorating party will be held on Apr. 13 from 1 – 4 p.m. in the Green Space between the Humanities Building (HU building) and the Theatre Arts Building (TA building). If there is inclement weather, the event will be held in the Long Nguyen and Kimmy Duong Student Services Center (ST building) atrium.
To access the registration link to the graduation cap decoration party, go to Montgomery College Commencement 2023 webpage or visit the Office Student Life’s social medias such as Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. Their social media handle is “studentlifetpss.”
Daniella Rivera joined The Excalibur as a staff writer in the spring of 2023. She is based at the Takoma Park/Silver Spring campus where she is completing her AA in Business. She joined The Excalibur to learn about journalism and to become a better writer. Her interests include playing sports, reading and journaling.

Samantha Miranda joined The Excalibur as a staff writer in the spring of 2022. She is based at the Takoma Park/Silver Spring campus where she is completing her AA in international studies. Her writing interests include campus events, college leadership, and local news.