The Excalibur Is Hosting An Open Mic Night!

Ann Weisgerber, editor-in-chief

Photo credit, Ann Weisgerber

Yes, it is true- The MC Takoma Park/Silver Spring campus newspaper, The Excalibur, is hosting an open mic night on Friday, April 26th from 6:00 to 9:00 PM. The event is open to all MC students and will take place in the Cultural Arts Center Theatre 2. Thanks to the Cultural Arts Center staff, we are able to offer free admission to this event.

All types of performers are welcome! We encourage performances of singing, instrumentals, acapella, poetry readings, stand up, monologues, and are open to anything else students would like to share! There are a limited number of entries, so please sign up now to reserve your spot!

The official information page can be located here.

Performers can register here!

Ann Weisgerber